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- In this section you would get much more information regarding myself. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
- Dear valuable viewers,
- In this section you will find the following information regarding myself:
- Well planned & clean lifestyle:
- Propulsion of Happy Life:
- Outline of my imaginary fairy life:
- Try to understand myself:
- Try to understand life and universe:
- I have my Strong will force:
- Ability and patience of works:
- I am serious about my commitment:
- My well disciplined life:
- Say no to laziness :
- My delectation:
- My food:
- My clothing:
- My friendly behavior:
- My faith and ragged:
- I have been exploited:
- My religious Philosophy:
- As a man, how am I:
- My achievement:
- My pain and sorrow
- My reputation & dis reputation
- My desire & hobby
- My fault
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- Well planned & clean lifestyle:
- From the very beginning of my childhood, so far I recall my memory, I always try to conduct well planned and clean life. This is my fundamental characteristic, quite different from my other siblings. My life style is well planned and well organized. Likewise yearly budget of the government, I make a yearly life planning programs considering my materialistic, immaterial resources available my own territory, my status, position, age, education etc. But this planning of life is very flexible prior to the condition arises. Indeed, there is a peace and happiness within this type of life style. Along with this life style I always try to keep clean my surrounding atmosphere. If I fail to continue these life style , I feel crazy and unhappy. Maintenance of this personal website is also the part and parcel of my well planned life.
- Propulsion of Happy Life:
- Life of this universe is very short from starting to ending. It will never be possible to fulfill all desires ,needs and expectations of human life. He / she will never feel happy until and unless he/she fail to establish happiness world within themselves. I always try to conduct my happy life with all my resources available. Human life is very negligible in consideration with the vast and endless universe!
- Once you started life you will be listen the ringing bell of ending life. From my personal life, now I feel, I started my government job few days before, after then got marriage, produced children but at present I am going to finish my job (as per the rule of government). Our mental and physical health is telling that you are becoming older. This is the real scenario of life! In these circumstances, I always try my level best to continue peaceful and happy life until and unless I am here. Everything of this universe is almost visible in our naked eyes, but everything is in dark, here after! We have some spiritual trust regarding here after but this is imagination, that varies from person to person, religion to religion and atheist to pious! Until you are alive in this universe let’s enjoy every seconds of life, rationally, that I am continuing now.
- Outline of my imaginary fairy life:
- Human life is very diversified. The issue of expectation and attainment are highly complex issues. No one can say about future! We don’t know what will happen, immediate after this moment. It is not possible to accomplish all tasks all times as our desire & expectation. Man cannot do everything by his utmost efforts. Atheist says everything is happening naturally, pious says everything is being controlled by Allah. Nevertheless, people want to live naturally well, and to spend their nice time and days. Now I will give an outline of imaginary happy life; you can customize this outline of happy life as your own means and resources available. Now have a look:
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- Frustration, dejection, sorrow and sadness will remain within human mind as long as their brain’s neurons are not changes apparently. We can control these, but not to eliminate these. Better you can find a way how to remove your frustration, dejection, sorrow and sadness. Those who are pious, you can pray to Almighty Allah so that you can have lead happy and prosperous life here.
- If you have a good fortune and become lucky then you can earn money, otherwise not. By your own effort you cannot earn much money! Few people earning much money by using special illegal power. Is this their fate or fortune? But what should its normal interpretation, I don’t know. We need money to maintain our normal life but huge money can transform your blackguard and inhumanity. Better you could lead your happy and peaceful mental life with your available resources by your logical and valid earnings.
- If you are pious, every spare of your life, pray to Almighty Allah and want Allah’s help in all the work, so that your wo and jeopardy remove from yourselves,
- Criticize yourselves not to others.
- Avoid your Laziness and involve yourself into well thought, good deed and good works.
- Take optimum food, diet and sleep, then you will feel fresh mentally.
- Life is very short, so better to utilize its every moment successfully.
- Unnecessary anger harm everybody, decline your image and personality, better to control your anger and craze .
- The work that must be done forcibly or you are bound to do; in this circumstance better to do this with cool brain and feel mental peace.
- Better to keep your private information within yourself, not to disclose it.
- Try to be self-reliant as much as possibly by reducing dependence;
- Earn knowledge, gain knowledge and convert your weakness into vigor.
- Know thyself, think and evaluate yourself at everyday night (before going to bed), whether you are running rightly or wrongly.
- Always remember at your every work, speech and movement, Legal-illegal, good-bad, sin virtue, religious-transgression etc. That thinking will help you to move forward ethically.
- Do not be miser, better be economical, and follow the ethical sentence of world famous Philosopher Socrates, ‘ How many things I can do without’
- Utilize your emotion properly in case of important decision.
- If you say any faulty word to other, please say sorry to the incumbent.
- Even though most people give different opinions about a particular issue, avoid your stubbornness and strong belief.
- Listen carefully to others and give well-thought-out opinions, then that particular person will love you very much.
- Leave the habit of lying unnecessarily to pretend yourself;
- Get out of the house with loved ones and remove your family monotony.
- Offer a simple gift to your loved one at the special day like Marriage day, Happy new years day, Eid festival, worship festival etc.
- If you have a bridal problem or conjugal complications, try to settle it by yourself. Its better not to call others in house based private problems. If the problem is inadequate and unavoidable, conclude the relationship with peaceful understanding;
- If you have any problems, find the way with cool brain to resolve it. Better you can take suggestion to others.
- Those who are single, be careful to select your life partner or spouse. Be aware about love relationship. At the time of love relationship, real characteristic are remain unfold, but immediate after marriage the emotions are removed, the real character is exposed and conjugal problems are raised quickly.
- Good dress, better dwelling house can expedite your social status that ultimately turn your mental peace and happiness.
- If you are not in good mood go out with good clothes and take fresh breath from outside.
- Be alert at your behavior and movement and use your ethics and keep awake your conscience.
- Be careful to take food and water from outside of the house.
- Read more book, update your knowledge, then you will be honored everywhere.
- Don’t be rigid about your any kind of promise, it may be necessary to break down it at any unavoidable situations.
- Do not care for anyone’s ill talk, check the verification first. It may create unnecessary hazards.
- If someone desires for psychic support in any matter, support it immediately if it does not harm to you. That will increase your acceptance level to that particular person;
- If anybody interested to tell you something, listen to it with interest and patience.
- None will never be satisfied always in every spare of life; So abstain from your desire;
- Lower your expectations from top to zero, otherwise you will feel
- pain.
- Many people can feel happy with your minor actions, works and behavior. So be serious about this.
- It is good to lend money, but before lending money be sure that whether you have a chance to get refund or not. If there is a non possibility of repaying the loan, give loan in such a amount so that you have minor financial losses;
- There are some self-evident wickedness and unjust wrong or crime like rape, murder, exploitation in cool brain etc. On the other hand there is some relative guilt or wickedness that varies from person to person. In this regard, use your conscience to relate the relativity of sin and goodness. Whether it is sin or religiously lawful or not like watch movies, or television, to take photographs etc? Use your conscience in such controversial issues;
- Be reminding that the main reason for human unrest is: “Anger aggrieved sadness pains, complaining of complacency, disappointment and frustration etc”. Be careful form those issues of life.
- I have a certification of peace. Please follow it:
- Try to offer your all expectations and desires to Allah or Infinite Intelligence and pray for Allah’s help, mitigate your daily problems with cool brain, depending upon well thought, well actions, well look; keep in mind I have more, criticize yourself not to others, give up other dependency and laziness, take optimum food, sleep and expenditure, be aware about physical health and conduct well disciplined well planned and clean life, obviously you will get real happiness in life.
- Try to understand myself:
- All of we have a great problem this because we are less interested to know our criticism. Around 2500 years before the world famous philosopher Socrates narrated a ethical sentence of two words,”Know thyself”. This is best neatness policy of all the time.
- I always try to know myself. Before going to bed at night I thinks what’s wrong with me the immediate past whole day activities movements, behavior and words. I salute my that well wisher who told me you are not running properly in this regards. I think my critic is my best friend.
- Try to understand life and universe:
- I try to know myself intensively as well as this universe also. How did we come to this world, where will we go here after, how did this universe was created. What will happen after death, the difference between atheist and pious etc. I have some explanation in this situation, some are scientific and others are spirituals. You will be notified these later on.
- I have my Strong will force:
- My will force is very much strong. If I desire to do something possibly, I will do that obviously. Depending upon this will force I could give enormous pressure on my physical and mental health. If I give someone, some commitment, then positively I will do this. I can exploit myself, but I will never exploit you, if any vulnerable situation doesn’t exist.
- Ability and patience of works:
- By the grace of Almighty, now I can endure my work hard, lot of big things, without getting up and awake at night ; that is not always possible for young guys. This is not my power, power of infinite intelligence. If there is more stress due to time constraints, then I feel slight discomfort in mind, noting else. If I get minimum time, I can accomplish my responsibility assigned upon me.
- I am serious about my commitment:
- I always try to follow my commitment in time. If I give commitment to someone, then I try to do within the schedule time. Therefore my commitment means its full implementation. I keep a note about my commitment, set alarm on mobile for remind, so I have a less chance to forget. Before going to outside of the house I make a check list of commodities to be carried, so I didn’t say I forgot to carry some commodities. So I didn’t also feel much harm for my mistake.
- My well disciplined life:
- I always try to conduct well disciplined life along with well planned and clean life. I maintained my disciplined life in case of my food habit, sleep, physical exercise, office works and other responsibility offered on me. It certainly requires emotional stress, but after working, there is also a lot of emotional peace. I used to take less sleep from my childhood. Three to four hours sleep of 24 hours time is enough for my normal physical movement. I have never had any habit of sleeping in the daytime.
- Say no to laziness:
- I always say no to laziness. Laziness is the ultimate enemy of my life. I am always busy for some works. I have no time to spend unnecessarily. I utilize my every time rather than my recreation. Now I spend my time on computer and internet and learn something over there.
- My delectation:
- Now the best delectation of my life is computer and uninterruptible broadband internet connection. If this happens, my time is quite cut nicely. Instead of these I can also pass my time with a good smart phone/phablet with 3G net connection. I am regularly pursuing my knowledge from this virtual world. Still I try to understand and learn a lot of things. Now I also can memorize a lot. As a matter of fact, I am interested to confined myself within house. From my childhood I am less interested in sports and game. It seems to be useful in practicing knowledge rather than to spend long time of playing or watching the game. Sorry this is my personal opinions. I like old movies and movies song. My personal archived is reached with old song sung by Lata, Mannadey,Hemanto etc. I have also some favorable song of Nazrul and Tagore. If I get time I enjoy that song with full sound of the audio player. I like to watch the movie of Uttom Suchitra. Still I can utter some dialogue of the selected movies of Uttom And Suchitra. I have made a linkage of these songs and movies on my website; So you can download those from this website and want to take part in this pleasure with me. I can get lots of chat while getting friends as part of my entertainment.
- My food:
- I am always exceptional regarding my food. Almost I am vegetarian. I don’t like fish and meet. Sometime I take little chicken but I did never take red meat. I can pass my huge time without meat and fish. I cannot eat fish meat also if cooking systems are not liked by me.. But eggs and milk are preferred and they are eaten almost regularly. The most preferred food is the mascalai dal (pulse curry of black gram) and fried sliced potato. Egg, dal (pulse curry), smashed potato is also my favorite food items.
- My Clothing:
- I am not so serious about my clothing. I don’t have any fascination about expensive clothing. At the ceremony, I try to wear elegant clothes. Apart from this I feel comfort to wear normal or casual dress.
- I am friendly:
- I am always very friendly. If I like someone at the first paragraph, then I think him that he is very cordial to me. On principle, I want none can feel pain in my behavior. I am very cordial with children also. Twenty eight years of my service life , many people were entertained with food cooked by my wife; but most of the people didn’t remember this. Yet the habit is continuing now. Sometimes we were exploited by our friendly behavior. Many people think our good behavior is our kind of weakness. So that sometimes I didn’t get proper honor due to our good behavioral pattern. Repeatedly we were irritated from the curse of good behavior. My wife is friendly like me, she has also some bitter experience like me. However, I want to spend the rest of my life like this way.
- My faith and ragged:
- I start to think positive by believing some people that they are very cordial to me but which makes me suffer much. This is very bad experience in my life. My belief and trust have been broken by lending money. My wife’s experience is all the same.
- I have been exploited:
- Absolutely I try to make 100 percent of my total chance to serve human being. If someone desire my help related to my knowledge skills and qualifications, then I do it giving my utmost efforts because I gathered this knowledge by the grace of Almighty Allah. Indeed, huge people are using me, but very few are being used for me. I am doing almost for everyone, but I do not see the real people doing anything for me. Yes in my life I received something from the people of my distal relationship but I got very few from those to whom I had my right for more expectation. So I feel mental pain. Occasionally I regret that, “I was born to serve others, not to get others’ service”. Yes it is not justified to do something for someone with the hope of getting something; nevertheless human mind expect something from their unconscious level of mind. I have lots of experience in this connection. Yes in spite of that there are some exceptional evidence but that number is counted, very little !!
- My religious Philosophy:
- I have my own philosophy of religion depending upon the logic of science and psychological argument. I am Muslim on my strong faith not like other inherent Muslims. You will see some of my scientific based religious articles later on.
- As a man, how am I!
- Only a conscious person can say, how he is? Because conscious people can never cheat with their conscience, if he tries to know himself. So I do not call myself a good man because people are not perfect, at all. But I can say with confidence that if someone fail to adjust with me , yes he has some problems to adjust with others. If I don’t like anybody then you could think, a lot of people are working against him. On principle I don’t like that anybody feel pain in my behaviors and word, nevertheless if it is happened by me, you could say that is my self-expression errors or self-deprecation. So, due to misunderstanding if someone hurt me, then I am only concerned to feel pain . In that case simply I am helpless.
- My achievement:
- I had huge expectation from my relative and well wisher yet I did get nothing but unfortunately I received a lot from my well wishers unexpectedly. I have received reverence, devotion and love for huge people and I am now getting from them also. Neither men nor women, regardless of age, I receive regard , heartfelt love and gratitude, I salute to all my devotees. I tried to work using the all opportunities that was in my job. There is nothing to do in the place where there is less chance to work to do. Think my present posting, huge chance of works are available, but less financial and logistic supports over there. I did two good works in my life rather than my job.
- Firstly I looked after my unresponsive mom at her crucial period of life. At the time of her death none were present except all of my four family members. My late sister and my younger brother always with me to look after my mom.
- Secondly, we established a mosque in front of our house. My younger brother was the initiator of that mosque. He paid a lion’s share of that mosque. I was with him. If you are interested to know that mosque established by our supervisory and patrimonial effort, please visit to the website .Till today I have tried to do something for public as much as possible from my job and outside the job . Hopefully I would like to continue this before my death.
- My pain and sorrow:
- I do not have any physical and emotional problems associated with my own illness. By the grace of Almighty I am quite fine. In my service life I got little chance to work independently, so that I can show my better performance. Only I got an opportunity to work when I was posted more than 6 years at Horticulture centre Khairtala, Jessore. I did a lot over there instead of so many bottleneck.
- I got little opportunity to work at my working place so that I can achieve more. If I were posted at a good working place, I have the ability to show something new and innovative. But I have nothing to say about my posting because that is related to public interest. I completed my PhD program under government scholarship, but I didn’t get posting 2 years after completion of my PhD program. At present I have less chance to get further promotion due to less number of post and lack of proper government policy. I desire my promotion under the rule of unified civil service policy. After few days some of my friends will get promotion of Secretary or Senior Secretary but I will get nothing. This is my fortune. I feel pain to see heavy oppression of injustice that is happening everywhere around us. I do not forget those hardships, who have hurt me unjustly and knowingly without understanding myself. While pursuing knowledge, a group of people hurt me by their jealousy . I am feel pain repeatedly due to jealousy. I do not know any way to get out from here. Suppose, I helped someone in my whole life, but suddenly I could not do anything due to the proper reason, then everything will go down. This trouble hurts me all the time. People do not know themselves. They don’t understand if they were paid more, but he/she become angry when he/she paid less.Now We are about to finish our job, therefore I surrendered everything leaving them on fate.I pray to Almighty Allah those who deprived me, So that Allah give them wisdom. Almighty Allah Keep keep all good by his grace.
- My reputation & dis reputation:
- Life is running by its own ways. None is perfect and no one is expected to fulfill anybody’s expectations. As per my self assessment my reputation is little bit heavier than my calumny. From my childhood I like to speak the truth in front of the incumbent; But the truth is always unpardonable, so many people don’t like this.I paid criticize by them, who didn’t get undue privilege from me.I am confidently saying those who criticize me, evaluate neutrally their characteristics.I have a considerable level of acceptance, where I stayed and worked at every spare of my life.Someone criticized me at some point at particular time due to some interest, but after a certain time, they again came back to their original position and made me favor. This is my emolument. I have some well wisher they like me loved me very much from the core of their heart. This number is not lesser!!
- My desire & hobby:
- One of best hobby is to save old items and memorabilia. Another loving area is to Keeping the hearts of loved ones together. On principle I don’t want to give minimum pain to others by my behavior. Nevertheless if it is happened that is undesirable and totally unacceptable.I feel fresh if I can do something for others.
- My fault:
- As a human being none is free from blame. Everyone has his own good and bad areas of life. I have some anger, by virtue of my inherent characteristics. But I don’t show my anger upon my distal relatives. It is only applicable for very closest relations.I have habit to speak loudly that is also inherent. But this is not good. Now I am trying to eliminate my anger follow the spiritual guide book’s(How to turn Anger into Love) instructions written by my friend Dr Mahmood Islam Siddique and his wife Dr Rsshmi M. Siddique, now living in New Jersey, New York, USA. My friend sent me that book from USA. Simply I trust the people and I deceived several times and still deceiving every now and then.This is all about my faulty areas of my life. If you find any faulty areas in my life, let me inform. I will try to rectify myself.